
Towards 2035: Common Prosperity and Urban-Rural Poverty Management System [in Chinese]

by Kevin Chen,
Jieying Bi,
Wenjiong He,
Yumei Zhang,
Jing Xiang and
Yunli Bai
Publisher(s): Social Science Literature Publishing House
Chen, Kevin; Bi, Jieying; He, Wenjiong; Zhang, Yumei; Xiang, Jing; Bai, Yunli; et al. 2022. Towards 2035: Common Prosperity and Urban-Rural Poverty Management System [in Chinese]

In 2021, General Secretary Xi Jinping solemnly declared that China's poverty alleviation battle has achieved a comprehensive victory. However, there is still a long way to go to solve the problem of unbalanced and insufficient development, narrow the development gap between urban and rural areas, and achieve comprehensive human development and common prosperity for all people. After the completion of the task of poverty alleviation, China's poverty situation has changed, the focus of poverty alleviation work has shifted to alleviating relative poverty, and the mode of poverty alleviation work has been adjusted from concentrated combat to normal promotion, so it is necessary to study and establish a long-term mechanism to solve relative poverty. This book integrates the core issues of the connection between urban and rural integrated development and rural revitalization, rural revitalization and social security, and the equal development of urban and rural basic public services, clarifies the role and mechanism of social security in benefiting poverty, and puts forward how to design a rights-based social security system, how to connect various types of security in social security, and how to meet the development needs of the social security system in fiscal finance and poverty governance systems, etc., so as to provide decision-making reference for the transformation from development-oriented poverty alleviation to security-based poverty alleviation.