Nutrition Month comes to a close without any mention of COVID-19 and its impact on malnutrition (The Hindu) 

The Hindu published an article stating that government data showed services geared toward maternal and child health were impeded due to lockdowns. September was Nutrition Month and it came to a close with no mention of COVID-19 and its impact on hunger and rising levels of malnutrition and policy measures being taken to address them. Senior Research Fellow Purnima Menon said, "Making the preventive aspects of Poshan Abhiyaan work very well and delivering the take-home rations, counseling, growth monitoring, and other services in the first 1000 days to everyone can go a long way in addressing both stunting and wasting. Some of these need no new policy prescriptions — but they need a continued and sustained emphasis on doing the right things for every woman and every child, all 27 million children born every year.” COVID-19 prevented many of these preventive actions from taking place. Republished in (Ukraine)