Evgeniya Anisimova, e.anisimova@cgiar.org , 202.627.4394

IFPRI's vision is a world free of hunger and malnutrition. Its mission is to provide research-based policy solutions that sustainably reduce poverty and end hunger and malnutrition. Our research focuses on five strategic areas.

In the News

How do earthquakes shape economic behavior? (Vox China)

Research Fellows Kevin Chen, Mateusz Filipski, & Xiaobo Zhang found opposite results that differ from the common economic prediction theories of behavior after a disaster. They discuss their results in this blog post.

In the News

Healthy diet matters (The Hindu BusinessLine)

The Hindu BusinessLine published an op-ed by Director General Shenggen Fan who synthesized the new EAT Lancet Report providing strategies for countries and stakeholders to navigate food systems at critical crossroads.  Fan was a contributor to the report, which also utilized

In the News

Brexit: Study predicts increase in strokes and heart attacks (Aerzteblatt)

Aerzteblatt published an article about the UK’s exit from the European Union increasing negative health outcomes over the next decade due to rising prices and the resulting decline in the consumption of fruits and vegetables.  IFPRI’s IMPACT Food Policy Model was included in the article as it calculated the impact