journal article

Food security, poverty and nutrition policy analysis

Statistical methods and applications
by Suresh Chandra Babu and
Prabuddha Sanyal
  1. Section I: Food security policy analysis -- Introduction to food security: concepts and measurement
  2. Implications of technological change, post-harvest technology and technology adoption for improved food security - application of t- Statistic 
  3. Effects of commercialization of agriculture (shift from traditional crop to cash crop) on food consumption and nutrition - application of chi-square statistic
  4. Effects of commercialization of agriculture or technology adoption and gender of household head: The issue, its importance in food security - application of Cramer's V and phi coefficient
  5. Changes in food consumption patterns: The issue and its importance to food security - application of one-way ANOVA
  6. 6. Impact of market access on food security - application of factor analysis
  7. Section II: Nutrition policy analysis -- Impact of maternal education and care on preschoolers' nutrition - application of two-way ANOVA
  8. Indicators and causal factors of nutrition - application of correlation analysis
  9. Effects of individual, household and community indicators on child's nutritional status - application of simple linear regression
  10. Female education and community characteristics as indicators of nutritional status of children - application of multivariate regression
  11. Section III: Special topics on poverty, nutrition, and food policy analysis -- Predicting child nutritional status using related socio-economic variables - application of discriminant function analysis
  12. Measurement and determinants of poverty - application of logistic regression models
  13. Classifying households on food security and poverty dimensions - application of K-mean cluster analysis
  14. Household care as a determinant of nutritional status - application of instrumental variable estimation
  15. Achieving an ideal diet - modeling with linear programming -- Technical appendices -- Statistical tables