

by Gert-Jan Stads,
Norah Omot,
Isiwat Bandrapiwat,
Alejandro Nin-Pratt,
Nguyen Thi Pham and
Jintawee Thaingam
Open Access
Stads, Gert-Jan; Omot, Norah; Bandrapiwat, Isiwat; Nin-Pratt, Alejandro; Pham, Nguyen Thi; and Thaingam, Jintawee. 2020. Thailand. ASTI Country Brief May 2020. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI); Asia-Pacific Association of Agricultural Research Institutions; Department of Agriculture.

Agricultural research investment in Thailand rose gradually during 2013–2017, largely driven by increased spending by the country’s livestock, forestry, and rice departments.