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Your search found 24 results.

A healthy diet Is costly, but even with limited income Kenyans can eat better

Globally, poor-quality diets are the leading cause of all forms of malnutrition, and the simultaneous occurrence of both under- and overconsumption within the same populations and even within the same households is increasingly common.

project paper

India’s self-sufficiency policies for pulses and their implications for Myanmar

Globally, India is the largest producer and consumer of pulses, but increasing demand due to population growth has made the country reliant on imports, including from Myanmar. In turn, Myanmar is highly dependent on exports to India.


"Land grabbing" by foreign investors in developing countries

One of the lingering effects of the food price crisis of 2007-08 on the world food system is the proliferating acquisition of farmland in developing countries by other countries seeking to ensure their food supplies.


High food prices: The what, who, and how of proposed policy actions

The complex causes of the current food and agriculture crisis require a comprehensive response.


High food prices: The what, who, and how of proposed policy actions [in Chinese]

"The complex causes of the current food and agriculture crisis require a comprehensive response.


El aumento en los precios de los alimentos

El notable aumento en el precio de los alimentos en los últimos dos años ha suscitado serias preocupaciones en torno a la alimentación y nutrición de los pobres en los países en desarrollo, y de manera más general, en torno a la inflación y al mal


Steigende Nahrungsmittelpreise

Der steile Anstieg der Nahrungsmittelpreise in den letzten beiden Jahren gibt Anlass zu grosser Sorge in Bezug auf die Ernährungssituation der Armen in den Entwicklungsländern, die Inflation und -in einigen Länderndie dadurch ausgelösten Unruhen.


Rising food prices: What should be done? [In Chinese]

The sharp increase in food prices over the past couple of years has raised serious concerns about the food and nutrition situation of poor people in developing countries, about inflation, and-in some countries-about civil unrest.


Hohe Nahrungsmittelpreise: Konzept für die Wege aus der Krise

Die vielschichtigen Ursachen der gegenwärtigen Krise im Bereich der Nahrungsmittelproduktion und Landwirtschaft erfordern eine umfassende globale Antwort.


Que faire face à la flambée

L‘envolée des prix alimentaires au cours des deux dernières années a suscité de vives inquiétudes par rapport à la situation alimentaire et nutritionnelle des pauvres dans les pays en développement, par rapport à l’inflation ou encore, dans certai


Rising food prices: What should be done?

"The sharp increase in food prices over the past couple of years has raised serious concerns about the food and nutrition situation of poor people in developing countries, about inflation, and-in some countries-about civil unrest.