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project paper

Maintaining food and nutrition security in Myanmar during the COVID-19 crisis: Lessons from India’s lockdown [in Burmese]

COVID-19ကမ ာကပ်ေရာဂါကာလအတွင်း မ ကာေသးမီက အိ  ိယ ိုင်ငံတွင် ၂၁ရက် ကာ တင်း ကပ်ေသာ ပိတ်ဆို ့ ကန ့ ်သတ်မ  ့ (lockdown)ကို  ုတ်တရက်ချမှတ်ခဲ့ ြခင်းသည် ထိခိုက်လွယ်သည့် များစွာေသာ အိ  ိယ ိုင်ငံသားများ၏ အစားအစာဖူလံုမ ကို ဆိုးကျိုးများ ြဖစ်ေပါ်ေစခဲ့ ပါသည်။


The Coronavirus lockdown and India’s urban vulnerables

While rural India is poorer than its urban counterpart, in the COVID-19 crisis, it is the urban poor who are far more vulnerable with less social and government support.


Saving the food value chain amid Covid lockdown

Disruptions in the food value chain are becoming visible now. The government needs to recognise that ensuring adequate food and nutrition for the population is as essential as providing health services.


Economic cost of the lockdown

The Indian economy will face an income loss of Rs 1.7 lakh crore per week or a total of Rs 5.1 lakh crore during the three-week-long shutdown called by the Govt.


Reconciling SME production in China with coronavirus control

With the steady decline in new confirmed cases of coronavirus in China beyond Hubei Province, public scrutiny has increasingly shifted to the economy affected by the outbreak, particularly the impact on the plethora of small and medium enterprises


COVID-19 food price monitor

The Food Security Portal's COVID-19 Food Price Monitor serves as a temperature check of market conditions for staple and non-staple foods at the local level.