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Your search found 26 results.

Gender, labor, and prime-age adult mortality

This paper assesses the impact of prime-age mortality on human capital formation and labor markets by examining, first, the impact on adolescents, who may leave school in order to enter the labor market, and second, the impact on adult females who


Insights from poverty maps for development and food relief program targeting

This study aims to assess the value of poverty mapping to public-works projects undertaken by the World Food Programme (WFP) with the government of Malawi in its Food for Assets and Development (FFASD) program....Poverty mapping is a useful decisi


Why the poor in rural Malawi are where they are

We examine the spatial determinants of the prevalence of poverty for small spatially defined populations in rural Malawi. Poverty prevalence was estimated using a small-area poverty estimation technique.


Estimating utility-consistent poverty lines

The “Cost of Basic Needs” (CBN) approach to drawing consumption-based poverty lines is widely applied and lays credible claim to being the best practice for estimating poverty measures.


Has economic growth in Mozambique been pro-poor?

This discussion paper examines trends in inequality in Mozambique, which in 1996 was one of the world’s poorest countries. In fact, it was so poor that mean per capita consumption was actually below the absolute poverty line.


Community, inequality, and local public goods

Yamauchi and Nishiyama are interested in the relationship between local inequality and the quality of human capital investment and growth.


Race, equity, and public schools in post-apartheid South Africa

This paper uses recently available South African school census data from 1996 and 2000 to assess variations in educational quality across former population groups of public schools and dynamic changes in post-apartheid South Africa.


Community empowerment and scaling-up in urban areas

CARE began PROSPECT (Program of Support for Poverty Elimination and Community Transformation) in 1998. PROSPECT aims to reduce poverty in peri-urban areas of Lusaka.


Income diversification in Zimbabwe

The paper examines, taking into account the urban-rural divides, the changes and welfare implications of income diversification in Zimbabwe following macroeconomic policy changes and droughts of the early 1990s.


Long-term consequences of early childhood malnutrition

This paper examines the impact of preschool malnutrition on subsequent human capital formation in rural Zimbabwe using a maternal fixed effects-instrumental variables (MFE-IV) estimator with a long-term panel data set.


The robustness of poverty profiles reconsidered

Poverty measures and profiles are used increasingly to guide antipoverty policies in low-income countries. An essential element in these analyses is the specification of a poverty line.


Social capital and coping with economic shocks

South African households live in an environment characterized by risks, and many face a significant probability of experiencing economic losses that threaten their daily subsistence.


Health care demand in rural Mozambique

Despite rapid economic growth in recent years, Mozambique remains a very poor country. Expenditure-based poverty measures are reflected in widespread food insecurity and poor health status.