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Your search found 45 results.
journal article

Rising land commodification in sub-Saharan Africa: Reconciling the diverse narratives

Scholarship on African land markets has proliferated in recent years. We contend that this scholarship consists of distinct literatures that examine non-overlapping parts of the system and diverge in their conclusions.

working paper

Gender and promoting quality seeds in Africa: A literature review

Advances in plant breeding and biotechnology have the potential to transform agriculture in Africa, but sustainable and inclusive distribution and marketing of quality seeds remains a significant challenge.

discussion paper

The effects of COVID-19 policies on livelihoods and food security of smallholder farm households in Nigeria: Descriptive results from a phone survey

The Government’s policy measures such as travel restrictions, lockdowns, and restrictions on economic and social activities, aimed at curbing the spread of COVID-19, had affected the livelihoods and food security of smallholders in Nigeria.


Gender dynamics in seed systems development

All agricultural production—whether of crops, trees, forages, livestock, or fish—starts with seeds, making seed security vital to food security.


Gender and rural transformation

Rural transformation is central to the broader structural transformation process taking place in developing countries — fueled by the globalization of value chains, changing food systems, new technologies, conflict and displacement, and climate ch

book chapter

The role of smallholder farms in a changing world

Despite progress, multiple burdens of malnutrition persist worldwide: 795 million people are hungry more than 2 billion people suffer from micronutrient deficiencies and over 2 billion are overweight or obese.


2020 Global food policy report: Building inclusive food systems: Synopsis [in Russian]

Продовольственные системы всего мира подошли к переломно- му моменту — масштабы и темпы изменений, происходящих в глобальных, региональных, национальных и местных продоволь- ственных системах, имеют беспрецедентный размах.


2020 Global food policy report: Building inclusive food systems: Synopsis [in Chinese]

目前,我们的食物系统正处于关键时期⸺无论 是在规模还是在速度上,全球、地区、国家和地方食 物系统正在发生着空前的变化。食物系统正以迅猛的速度发展,以满足日益增长且不 断变化的需求,但仍然无法满足每个人的需求。当这份报告付印时,新冠肺炎的爆发 构成了新的全球性威胁。在全世界与这个流行病战斗之际,经济和生计受到破坏之时, 贫穷和弱势群体可能遭受的损失最大。应对这个冲击的影响,包括从供应链和贸易中 断,到严重的失业问题以及贫困水平上升,迫切需要在短期内为最弱势群体提供有效 和有针对性的社会保障。


Fostering transformation and growth in Niger’s agricultural sector

The current publication intends to add to the understanding of the potential role that smallholders and the institutional and market environment play in a sustainable transformation of the agriculture sector in Niger.

journal article

Women’s empowerment in agriculture and agricultural productivity: Evidence from rural maize farmer households in western Kenya

This paper documents a positive relationship between maize productivity in western Kenya and women’s empowerment in agriculture, measured using indicators derived from the abbreviated version of the Women’s Empowerment in Agriculture Index.

project paper

Research priorities for Bangladesh

Climate change, coupled with high levels of poverty and population density, is a substantial threat to sustainable development in Bangladesh.

project paper

Research priorities for Zambia

Climate change is a substantial threat to sustainable development in Zambia, a country experiencing weather hazards, drought and dry spells, seasonal and flash floods, and extreme temperatures that may well increase under climate change.