Succinct and insightful analysis from IFPRI researchers and other leading voices on the latest IFPRI research, most pressing issues in international development, and IFPRI events across the globe.

The February 2022 invasion of Ukraine triggered trade disruptions and significant increases in international energy, agricultural commodities, and fertilizer prices, which were already elevated due to the impacts of COVID-19 and the value chain disruptions caused by the pandemic. Although global food and fertilizer prices have receded from their peak levels, they remain high compared to pre-Covid levels, contributing to high domestic food price inflation in many low- and middle-income countries. This special blog series, edited by IFPRI Director General and Managing Director of CGIAR’s Systems Transformation Science Group, Johan Swinnen, and IFPRI Senior Research Fellow Joseph Glauber aims to shed light on the continuing repercussions of the Ukrainian war and other factors exacerbating food price inflation and food insecurity, and to provide in-depth analysis and propose policy responses that can enhance the resilience of national and global food systems.

IFPRI is curating a special series of blog posts analyzing the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on national and global food and nutrition security, poverty, and development. The series is edited by IFPRI director general Johan Swinnen and A4NH director John McDermott.

Blog Types


Women workers bent over in a line planting rice plants in paddy, trees in background
Will Martin, Abdullah Mamun, Nick Minot, Rob Vos | Jun 7, 2024


Woman, center, stirs porridge in a big pot; woman, left, reaches into a plastic tub
Jan Duchoslav, Mazvita Chiduwa, Simon Denhere, Joachim De Weerdt, Rodwell Mzonde, George Phiri | May 31, 2024

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