Changes of selected indicators from 2011/12 baseline to 2018/19 endline for the Feed the Future (FTF) Zone of Influence in Bangladesh


On July 23, 2019, the Bangladesh Policy Research and Strategy Support Program (PRSSP) and the US Agency for International Development (USAID) are co-organizing an interactive review of changes of selected indicators from 2011/12 baseline to 2018/19 endline for the Feed the Future (FTF) Zone of Influence, using data from two rounds of PRSSP’s Bangladesh Integrated Household Survey (BIHS). These data reflect the “results” of six years of the FTF program in Bangladesh. The indicators include income; prevalence of poverty and hunger; crop productivity; farmers’ profitability; dietary diversity of women, children, and all household members; women’s empowerment in agriculture; and more.