Virtual Event - No backsliding: How can we re-orient food systems and health systems to protect nutrition and healthy diets in the context of COVID-19?

Co-Organized by IFPRI and the CGIAR Research Program on Agriculture for Nutrition and Health (A4NH)

The COVID-19 pandemic — and the related economic crisis and disrupted food and health systems — will likely severely worsen all forms of malnutrition globally. In the short to medium term, micronutrient deficiencies, child wasting and stunting, and overweight and obesity are all expected to surge, stemming the tide of recent progress toward achieving the World Health Assembly’s Global Nutrition Targets 2025. This seminar will analyze the situation, focusing on anticipated impacts on maternal and child nutrition, diets, reach of nutrition interventions, and mortality. Speakers will also reflect on positive adaptations that could help rebuild stronger health, economic, and food systems, and thereby protect nutrition and health.

Opening Remarks


Closing Remarks

  • John McDermott, Director, CGIAR Research Program on Agriculture for Nutrition and Health (A4NH)
