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Your search found 59 results.
book chapter

A paradigm shift in food safety for Africa

Food safety systems globally, and more so in Africa, have not kept pace with the complexity of food safety challenges.

book chapter

Food safety in Kenya: Status, challenges, and proposed solutions

Foodborne disease—that is, disease caused by consuming foods contaminated with biological or chemical hazards—is an important and often underrecognized public health concern in low- and middle-income countries around the world, including Kenya.

book chapter

The COVID-19 nutrition crisis: What to expect and how to protect

The COVID-19 pandemic has all the makings of a perfect storm for global malnutrition. The crisis will damage the nutritional status of vulnerable groups through multiple mechanisms.

book chapter

Why gender matters in COVID-19 responses: Now and in the future

To contain the spread of COVID-19, health ministries and the World Health Organization (WHO) are advising everyone to keep up to date on latest developments, wash hands frequently, stay at home, and practice physical distancing when outside the ho

book chapter

Regional developments [In 2017 Global Food Policy Report, in Chinese]

2016年,食物领域出现的重要进展可能对各个国家和地区的食物安全与营养状 况产生深远影响。本报告将研究非洲、中东、北非、中亚、南亚、东亚、拉美和加勒 比海等主要地区在粮食政策方面的进展、城市化趋势,以及这些趋势对食物安全 与营养状况的影响。以下章节将探究不同地区的情况,包括:
■■ 非洲地区合作与投资增长,如何在气候变化和商品价格走低的情况下加强食 物安全
■■ 中东北非地区持续的冲突、某些国家的政策改革需求以及较低的油价

book chapter

Regional developments [In 2017 Global Food Policy Report]

2016 saw important developments with potentially wide repercussions for food security and nutrition in individual countries and regions.

book chapter

Africa’s progress toward meeting current nutrition targets

In the era of the Sustainable Development Goals, the world faces many seemingly intractable problems. Malnutrition should not be one of them.