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Your search found 295 results.
journal article

Epidemics and food systems: What gets framed, gets done

This brief article aims to interrogate some widely used concepts in framing the interactions between disease epidemics, food systems and nutrition, with a particular focus on the COVID-19 crisis.


Reconciling SME production in China with coronavirus control

With the steady decline in new confirmed cases of coronavirus in China beyond Hubei Province, public scrutiny has increasingly shifted to the economy affected by the outbreak, particularly the impact on the plethora of small and medium enterprises

journal article

Crop health and its global impacts on the components of food security


Global Nutrition Report 2016: From Promise to Impact: Ending Malnutrition by 2030: Summary [in Russian]

На сегодняшний день лишь немногие из стоящих перед мировым сообществом проблем сопоставимы по своему масштабу с неполноценным питанием – ситуацией, напрямую затрагивающей каждого третьего человека в мире.