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Your search found 6410 results.

Mettre fin a la famine en Afrique

Contrairement aux prévisions communément admises quant à l’aggravation du déclin économique de l’Afrique, une récente étude présente une vision alternative plus positive de l’avenir de ce continent.


Ending Hunger in Africa

In contrast to popular predictions of Africa’s worsening economic decline, recent research supports an alternative and more positive vision of Africa’s future.

discussion paper

Valuing the environment in developing countries

In this paper, we employ the choice experiment method to estimate local citizens’ valuation of a public intervention that proposes to improve the quality of an important environmental resource, namely, the Ganges River in India.

discussion paper

Childcare and work

"This study investigates the effects of childcare on work and earnings of mothers in poor neighborhoods of Guatemala City.

discussion paper

Agricultural strategy development in West Africa

"Participatory approaches are an increasingly prominent technique for designing agricultural strategies within Sub-Saharan Africa.

discussion paper

Bridging research, policy, and practice in African agriculture

Policy research on African agriculture is long on prescriptions for what needs to be done to spur agricultural growth but short on how such prescriptions might be implemented in practice. What explains this state of affairs?


Hohe Nahrungsmittelpreise: Konzept für die Wege aus der Krise

Die vielschichtigen Ursachen der gegenwärtigen Krise im Bereich der Nahrungsmittelproduktion und Landwirtschaft erfordern eine umfassende globale Antwort.

project paper

Improving research-policy linkages in Nigeria

When there is disconnect between research and policy, high quality research-based information can be produced without impact on policy dialogue and action.


Que faire face à la flambée

L‘envolée des prix alimentaires au cours des deux dernières années a suscité de vives inquiétudes par rapport à la situation alimentaire et nutritionnelle des pauvres dans les pays en développement, par rapport à l’inflation ou encore, dans certai


Rising food prices: What should be done?

"The sharp increase in food prices over the past couple of years has raised serious concerns about the food and nutrition situation of poor people in developing countries, about inflation, and-in some countries-about civil unrest.


The poorest and hungry

Although many millions of people have exited poverty in recent decades, much of the reduction in poverty has benefited people living close to the poverty line rather than those at the very bottom of the income distribution.


I&D agropecuario en Brazil

En 1996, Brasil empleó más de 5.000 investigadores equivalentes de tiempo completo e invirtió más de $1.000 millones (dólares internacionales de 1993) en I&D agropecuario, casi la mitad del gasto total de América Latina en investigación agrope


Réduire la faim de moitié

En 2000, les leaders mondiaux ont défini l’objectif de réduire de moitié, entre 1990 et 2015, la proportion des personnes souffrant de la faim.
discussion paper

Agricultural science and technology policy for growth and poverty reduction

This paper argues that the largely unrealized potential of agricultural science and technology (S&T) in promoting growth and poverty reduction in developing countries results from deeply rooted incompatibility among policy environments, instit