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Your search found 20374 results.

High food prices: The what, who, and how of proposed policy actions

The complex causes of the current food and agriculture crisis require a comprehensive response.


High food prices: The what, who, and how of proposed policy actions [in Chinese]

"The complex causes of the current food and agriculture crisis require a comprehensive response.


El aumento en los precios de los alimentos

El notable aumento en el precio de los alimentos en los últimos dos años ha suscitado serias preocupaciones en torno a la alimentación y nutrición de los pobres en los países en desarrollo, y de manera más general, en torno a la inflación y al mal


Steigende Nahrungsmittelpreise

Der steile Anstieg der Nahrungsmittelpreise in den letzten beiden Jahren gibt Anlass zu grosser Sorge in Bezug auf die Ernährungssituation der Armen in den Entwicklungsländern, die Inflation und -in einigen Länderndie dadurch ausgelösten Unruhen.


Rising food prices: What should be done? [In Chinese]

The sharp increase in food prices over the past couple of years has raised serious concerns about the food and nutrition situation of poor people in developing countries, about inflation, and-in some countries-about civil unrest.


CACCI country profile Tajikistan

Tajikistan, one of the least urbanized countries in Central Asia, is prone to natural disasters, disruptions in rainfall, rising temperatures, reductions in glacial cover, and extreme weather events.


IFPRI Malawi monthly maize market report, July 2023

The Monthly Maize Market Report was developed by researchers at IFPRI Malawi with the goal of providing clear and accurate information on the variation of maize prices in selected markets throughout Malawi.

discussion paper

Analyzing nutritional impacts of policies

Widespread malnutrition in developing countries calls for appropriate strategies, presupposing good knowledge about nutritional impacts of policies.

Improving child nutrition for sustainable poverty reduction in Africa

While famines and other episodes of severe hunger receive significant press coverage and attract much public attention, chronic hunger and malnutrition are considerably more prevalent in Africa.

journal article

Associations of WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring Program (JMP) Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) service ladder service levels and sociodemographic factors with diarrhoeal disease among children under 5 years in Bishoftu town, Ethiopia

Objective To determine the associations of WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring Program Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Service Ladder service levels and sociodemographic factors with diarrhoeal disease among children under 5 years in Bishoftu town, E