Living in high altitude areas, children are more prone to developmental delays ( published an article on about new research on stunting in higher altitudes. According to Senior Research Fellow Kalle Hirvonen, "More than 800 million people live at altitudes of 1,500 meters or higher, and two-thirds of them live in sub-Saharan Africa and Asia. These two regions have most of the stunted children in the world, so understand that altitude is growing. If children living in high altitude areas are on average more stunted than their peers, then greater efforts are needed to solve the problem of plateau stunting." The study, Linear growth assessment in higher altitude areas, analyzed the height-age data of more than 950,000 children from 59 countries. These data were compiled through the Nutrition and Agricultural Development Research (AReNA) project funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Republished in SZ Online.