book chapter

Solving global nutrition and dietary challenges: More than proteins

by Inge D. Brouwer and
Elise Talsma
Publisher(s): VU University Press
Open Access
Brouwer, Inge D.; and Talsma, Elise. 2023. Solving global nutrition and dietary challenges: More than proteins. In Our future proteins: A diversity of perspectives, eds. Stacy Pyett; Wendy Jenkins; Barbara van Mierlo; Luisa M. Trindade; David Welch; and Hannah van Zanten. Section 8: Meeting nutritional needs, Pp. 468-476.

The global focus on protein transition must not detract attention from other nutritional and dietary challenges that are at least as important, specifically the high prevalence of vitamin and mineral deficiencies in low-and middle-income countries. Unlike in many high-income cou tries, low- and middle-income countries may benefit from increased access to and consumption of animal-sourced foods. Policymakers should set locally tailored dietary guidelines and look beyond proteins to the food system as a whole.