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Your search found 67 results.
working paper

Traders and agri-food value chain resilience: The case of maize in Myanmar

Myanmar has experienced a sequence of dire crises beginning in 2019 including the unexpected closure of a principal trade route, COVID-19 lockdowns and travel restrictions, and a military coup leading to years of disruptions in the banking and tra


Myanmar’s agrifood system structure and drivers of transformation

Myanmar initiated economic and political reforms in 2011, ushering in a period of rapid economic transformation. The country experienced strong annual average economic growth of close to 7 percent between 2011 and 2019.

working paper

Agricultural land and crop production in Myanmar

Southeast Asia’s agricultural landscape is known for rice production in lowland areas, diverse upland areas, and the cultivation of ‘boom crops’ in the borderlands.

project paper

Asia-wide impacts of COVID-19 on national food systems and recovery paths

2020 was marked by a global recession. Most Asian economies witnessed a major economic downturn or, at the minimum, major decelerations in economic growth of magnitudes not seen since the 1997 Asian Financial Crisis.

working paper

Myanmar migration in a time of transformation: 2011-2020 [in Burmese]

Rural out-migration to both domestic and international destinations counts among the key phenomena that defined a decade of transformation in Myanmar from the 2011 economic reforms until the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020.

discussion paper

Regulatory options to improve seed systems for vegetatively propagated crops in developing countries

In many developing countries, smallholder farmers cultivating vegetatively propagated crops (VPCs) have limited access to quality planting material. This constraint can limit both the yield of and returns on VPC cultivation.

conference proceeding

Knowledge exchange: Proceedings of the policy roundtable on ATMI-ASEAN: The case of the maize industry in Cambodia

The Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture (SEARCA) and the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), in partnership with the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF), organized the

journal article

Empowerment in agricultural value chains: Mixed methods evidence from the Philippines

Women's participation and empowerment in value chains are goals of many development organizations, but there has been limited systematic, rigorous research to track these goals between and within value chains (VCs).


2020 Global food policy report: Building inclusive food systems: Synopsis [in Russian]

Продовольственные системы всего мира подошли к переломно- му моменту — масштабы и темпы изменений, происходящих в глобальных, региональных, национальных и местных продоволь- ственных системах, имеют беспрецедентный размах.


2020 Global food policy report: Building inclusive food systems: Synopsis [in Chinese]

目前,我们的食物系统正处于关键时期⸺无论 是在规模还是在速度上,全球、地区、国家和地方食 物系统正在发生着空前的变化。食物系统正以迅猛的速度发展,以满足日益增长且不 断变化的需求,但仍然无法满足每个人的需求。当这份报告付印时,新冠肺炎的爆发 构成了新的全球性威胁。在全世界与这个流行病战斗之际,经济和生计受到破坏之时, 贫穷和弱势群体可能遭受的损失最大。应对这个冲击的影响,包括从供应链和贸易中 断,到严重的失业问题以及贫困水平上升,迫切需要在短期内为最弱势群体提供有效 和有针对性的社会保障。