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Your search found 30 results.

Synopses: Welthunger-Index 2015: Hunger und bewaffnete Konflikte

Der Welthunger-Index (WHI) 2015 ist der zehnte in einer Reihe jährlicher Berichte, in denen die Hungersituation weltweit, nach Regionen und auf Länderebene mithilfe eines multidimensionalen Ansatzs dargestellt wird.


Estratto: 2015 Indice globale della fame: I conflitti armati e la sfida della fame

L’Indice Globale della Fame 2015 (Global Hunger Index, abbreviato in GHI) – al suo decimo anno – presenta una misurazione multidimensionale della fame a livello nazionale, regionale e mondiale.


The family farm in a globalizing world

The topic of family farms has been gaining prominence in the academic, policy, and donor communities in recent years.


Land and schooling

The authors address questions such as: (1) how do parents allocate land and education between sons and daughters? (2) how do changing returns to land and human capital affect parents' investments in children?


Are wealth transfers biased against girls?

This study attempts to analyze changing patterns of land transfers and schooling investments by gender over three generations in customary land areas of Ghana's Western Region.


Mettre fin a la famine en Afrique

Contrairement aux prévisions communément admises quant à l’aggravation du déclin économique de l’Afrique, une récente étude présente une vision alternative plus positive de l’avenir de ce continent.


Intellectual property and developing countries

Brief 3 of the Research at a Glance series, “Biotechnology and genetic resource policies”


Ending hunger by 2050

"To end hunger and prevent the recurrence of famine and starvation, we need to take the following steps: invest in public health, child nutrition, education, women’s and girls’ social status, and other components of human capital; reform publ


Fighting famine in Southern Africa: steps out of the crisis [in Japanese]

About 10 million people in southern Africa—Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Swaziland, Zambia, and Zimbabwe—are experiencing famine or the threat of famine.The immediate causes of the current crisis are drought, flooding, and low levels of crop planti