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Your search found 19 results.

Food Security Simulator – Nigeria

The Food Security Simulator is an innovative and easy-to-use, MS-Excel-based tool for assessing the potential short-term impacts of food price or household income shocks on food security and people’s diets.

2018 Social Accounting Matrix for Nigeria

The Nexus Project is a collaboration between IFPRI and its partners, including national statistical agencies and research institutions.


Making Seed Systems and Markets for Vegetatively Propagated Crops (VPCs) Work for the Poor: A Cross-Country Study of Kenya, Nigeria, and Vietnam

Many developing-country farmers cultivating vegetatively propagated crops (VPCs)—crops such as cassava, potato, sweetpotato, and yam—face constrained access to quality planting material.


Small Survey of Tractor or Power Tiller Owners in Benue State, Nigeria

Understanding the nature of farm tractors ownership and their uses by private individuals who are mostly in the informal sector, is critical in African countries like Nigeria.


Segmentation Data for Nigeria and India States of Bihar, Odisha, and Uttar Pradesh

This dataset was compiled by processing and harmonizing multiple secondary datasets, covering Nigeria and three states in India (Bihar, Odisha, and Uttar Pradesh), to help those working in the agricultural development sector identify and character


Dietary intakes, vitamin A, and iron status of women of childbearing age and children 6-59 months of age from Akwa Ibom state in Nigeria

HarvestPlus, part of the CGIAR Research Program on Agriculture for Nutrition and Health (A4NH), seeks to improve the nutrient density of staple food crops through conventional plant breeding the nutrient de

ASTI Nigeria database

Working through collaborative alliances with numerous national and regional R&D agencies and international institutions, Agricultural Science and Technology Indicators (ASTI) is a comprehensive and trusted source of information on agricultural


A 2006 social accounting matrix for Nigeria

The 2006 Nigeria SAM is a comprehensive, economy-wide data framework, representing the structure of the Nigerian economy; the links among production activities, income distribution, consumption of goods/services, savings and investment, and foreig