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Your search found 2808 results.
journal article

Sustainable aquaculture development in sub-Saharan Africa

Aquaculture must grow above the current rate of 11% per year to meet projected demand and reduce dependence on seafood imports. Government support and private investment are urgently needed for sustainable growth.

working paper

Micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in fruit and vegetable value chains in Vietnam

Stimulating nutritious diets features high on policy agendas, but designing effective interventions requires insights which are grounded in evidence and reflections on the food environment context and the needs of specific actors involved.
journal article

The time-use agency scale: Development and validation of a measure for Ghana and beyond

Global health and development interventions often are predicated on the reallocation of women's time for the achievement of program objectives; yet research and programs have paid limited attention to women's preferences for and agency over their

journal article

Biofortified yellow-fleshed potatoes provide more absorbable zinc than a commonly consumed variety: A randomized trial using stable isotopes in women in the Peruvian Highlands

Zinc-biofortified potatoes have considerable potential to reduce zinc deficiency because of their low levels of phytate, an inhibitor of zinc absorption, and their high consumption, especially in the Andean region of Peru.

journal article

Liquid milk: Savings, insurance and side-selling in cooperatives

Limited access to reliable financial instruments makes it difficult for rural households to manage daily cash flows. Selling goods through cooperatives can improve savings, but cooperative income is not easily accessible when facing an emergency.

journal article

Increasing production diversity and diet quality: Evidence from Bangladesh

In the context of rural Bangladesh, we assess whether agriculture training alone, nutrition behavior communication change (BCC) alone, combined agriculture training and nutrition BCC, or agriculture training and nutrition BCC combined with gender

journal article

Developing feasible healthy diets for Ethiopian women of reproductive age: A linear goal programming approach

Objective: To develop a healthy diet for Ethiopian women closely resembling their current diet and taking fasting periods into account while tracking the cost difference. Design: Linear goal programming models were built for three scenarios (non-fas

Food systems governance e-course – SHiFT work package 5 evaluation report

The food systems approach is increasingly being used to understand the dynamics of how food is produced and consumed, with an optimal outcome for human health, social justice, economic endeavors, and the preservation of planetary resources.
journal article

Breeding for nutrition

Taken together, mineral and vitamin deficiencies affect a far greater number of people in the world than protein-energy malnutrition. Can commonly-eaten food staple crops be developed which fortify their seeds with essential minerals and vitamins?
journal article

At the forefront: Providing leadership for the innovation of biofortification

Biofortification is the process of breeding for higher levels of minerals and vitamins in staple food crops, then scaling uptake by farmers and consumers to reduce mineral and vitamin deficiencies in lower- and middle-income countries.