• Joint Foreign and Development Ministerial Meeting
    Matera Declaration
    A call to action on food security, nutrition, and food systems in the time of the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond
  • G20 / T20 Italy 2021

IFPRI is pleased to contribute evidence-based inputs to the G20 and T20 2021 processes.

Under the Italian Presidency, the G20 forum, which brings together the world’s major economies, rests upon the three pillars of People, Planet and Prosperity and will focus on how the international community can best overcome today’s challenges of recovering from the pandemic, addressing climate change, and how best to support innovation and overcome poverty and inequality.

T20 brings is the official engagement group of the G20, bringing together leading think tanks and research centers worldwide to provide research-based policy recommendations to the G20 leaders. Under the G20 Italian Presidency, the T20, coordinated by the Italian Institute for International Political Studies, will aim to identify both better solutions and better ways to reinvigorate international cooperation.

Johan Swinnen

Johan Swinnen

Director General, IFPRI &
Global director, Systems Transformation, CGIAR

Johan Swinnen serves as Co-Chair of the Think20 Task Force on Food Security.

T20 Task Force 2 Statement

Johan Swinnen's reaction on the T20 recommendations to G20 leaders statement

"The number of people facing hunger increased by 120-160 million in 2020, a staggering increase of 20 percent. The world was already off-track to end hunger and malnutrition by 2030 before the pandemic, with hunger on the rise and climate change impacts significantly slowing agricultural productivity growth. Building climate-resilient food systems and reducing GHG emissions from agriculture are thus urgent priorities. An important first step is a concerted G20 effort to redirect the more than US$700 billion per annum in agricultural support measures toward R&D in productivity enhancing and emission-reducing technologies, and incentives to producers and consumers to adopt sustainable and healthy practices."

Booklet, G20 Italy: The Rome Summit
Securing The Food Supply: Transforming Food Systems

By Rob Vos, director, Markets, Trade and institutions Division of IFPRI, and Johan Swinnen, director-general, IFPRI

The world is not on track to eliminate hunger and malnutrition. Event before the devastating impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on people everywhere, undernourishment was on the rise. During 2020, more than 2.3 billion people (or 30% of the global population) lacked year-round access to adequate food, a one-year increase that was as much as the preceding five years combined. Event more people (3 billion) cannot afford a healthy diet. Food systems, despite being the main source of employment for poor people, have failed to ensure their food and nutrition security and livelihoods, and have left a large environmental footprint on a warming planet.

IFPRI Papers for the T20

TF2 : Climate Change, Food Security, and Central Banks in Developing Economies

  • Channing Arndt, Director, Environment and Production Technology Division

TF2 : Repurposing Agricultural Policy Support for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation

TF5 : Financing Food System Transformation / 2030 Agenda and Development Cooperation

TF10 : Reducing Vulnerability of Women in Short-Term Migration from the Global South: Key Policy Recommendations for the G-20

Other events and dates relevant to IFPRI

  • 19-20 April, G20 - 1st Agriculture Deputies meeting (Rob Vos)
  • 21 April, G20 - AMIS meeting (Rob Vos and Joe Glauber) [link]
  • 10 May, T20 Forum on Climate Change (Johan Swinnen) [link]
  • 15-16 June, G20 - MACS – Meeting of Agriculture Chief Scientists
  • 13-14 July, G20 - 2nd Agriculture Deputies meeting in Rome (Rob Vos)
  • 1-2 Sept, G20 - MACS – Seminar on Resilience and Risk Management in Florence (Rob Vos)
  • 19-20 Sept, G20 - Agriculture Ministers Meeting in Florence (Johan Swinnen)
  • TBD Sept, T20 Summit in Milan (Johan Swinnen)
  • 30-31 Oct, G20 Leaders’ Summit in Rome

  • Events focusing on food systems topics
    T20 Forum on Climate Change - May 10, 2021
    AMIS Rapid Response Forum 2021 - Apr 21, 2021

    More information on IFPRI activities at previous G20/T20 is available here