Eurasian Food Security Center Conference 2019


IFPRI is participating in The Annual Eurasian Food Security Conference on October 29-31, 2019.

The Conference is a major event promoting food and nutrition security in the Eurasia region. It brings together more than 150 participants each year. The purpose of the conference is to provide an international collaborative platform by bringing together experts from regional and international organizations, scientific and educational institutions, and various governments to address regional food security concerns.

Plenary Session: Food Security Challenges in the World and in the Eurasian Region (October 29, 2019 -- 10:15am - 2:00pm)

Global Trends in School Feeding with Relevant to Eurasia

Session 6: Agriculture and Nutrition-Sensitive Value Chains Development in Eurasia (October 30, 2019 -- 2:00pm - 4:15pm)

Kamiljon Akramov, Research Fellow, IFPRI (Moderator)

Climate Change and the Future of Agriculture in Central Asia

Nutrition-Sensitive Value Chains Development in Tajikistan