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Your search found 475 results.

Advancing a global collaborative partnership framework for sustainability standards and regulations

Along with rising trade interdependency between the Global South and the Global North countries, there is growing pressure to implement ‘greener’ supply chains to ensure that traded commodities comply with sustainability norms.


Strengthening locally led agricultural policy analysis capacity: Lessons from experience

Agricultural policies affect almost everyone in the world, directly or indirectly. Improvements in agricultural policy analysis capacity can therefore significantly benefit society.


Quantifying the cost and benefits of ending hunger and undernutrition: Examining the differences among alternative approaches

This brief examines estimates produced by several recent model simulations and frameworks that focus on the cost of ending hunger as well as progress toward other development goals—estimates that range from US$7 billion to US$265 billion per year.


Synopsis, Global nutrition report 2015: Actions and accountability to advance nutrition and sustainable development [in Russian]

Здравый смысл говорит нам о том, что совокупность всех этих изменений на уровне отдельных людей дает положительный результат для целых сообществ и стран.

Global nutrition report 2015: Africa brief

As we move into the post-2015 era of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the world faces many seemingly intractable problems. Malnutrition should not be one of them.


Synopsis, Global nutrition report 2015: Actions and accountability to advance nutrition and sustainable development [in Japanese]

常識的に考えると、これらの個々の人間規模の経験が集 約されれば、地域社会や国にメリットがあることがわかりま す。概して一目瞭然なのは、良好な栄養状態は持続可能な 発展に必要不可欠な原動力となるということです(図1)。 良好な栄養状態の対義語――栄養「不良」状態――は 様々な形で現れます。

Synopses: Welthunger-Index 2015: Hunger und bewaffnete Konflikte

Der Welthunger-Index (WHI) 2015 ist der zehnte in einer Reihe jährlicher Berichte, in denen die Hungersituation weltweit, nach Regionen und auf Länderebene mithilfe eines multidimensionalen Ansatzs dargestellt wird.


Estratto: 2015 Indice globale della fame: I conflitti armati e la sfida della fame

L’Indice Globale della Fame 2015 (Global Hunger Index, abbreviato in GHI) – al suo decimo anno – presenta una misurazione multidimensionale della fame a livello nazionale, regionale e mondiale.