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Your search found 20 results.

Synopsis, Global nutrition report 2015: Actions and accountability to advance nutrition and sustainable development [in Russian]

Здравый смысл говорит нам о том, что совокупность всех этих изменений на уровне отдельных людей дает положительный результат для целых сообществ и стран.

Global nutrition report 2015: Africa brief

As we move into the post-2015 era of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the world faces many seemingly intractable problems. Malnutrition should not be one of them.


Synopsis, Global nutrition report 2015: Actions and accountability to advance nutrition and sustainable development [in Japanese]

常識的に考えると、これらの個々の人間規模の経験が集 約されれば、地域社会や国にメリットがあることがわかりま す。概して一目瞭然なのは、良好な栄養状態は持続可能な 発展に必要不可欠な原動力となるということです(図1)。 良好な栄養状態の対義語――栄養「不良」状態――は 様々な形で現れます。

The challenge of hunger

"With high food prices threatening the food security of millions of vulnerable households around the world, hunger and malnutrition are back in the headlines.


AIDS, poverty, and hunger

In a report written by international experts in agricultural economics, health, anthropology, and nutrition...the authors examine the impacts of HIV and AIDS on labor markets and wages, household income and consumption dynamics, and on the agricul


Assuring food and nutrition security in the time of AIDs

"The interactions between HIV/AIDS and food and nutrition insecurity are becoming clearer as research fills knowledge gaps.


HIV/AIDS, food security and rural livelihoods

There is hardly need these days to repeat that HIV/AIDS is devastating African societies and economies, threatening the hard-won human development gains of the past several decades.


Effective food and nutrition policy responses to HIV/AIDS

The impact of human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS) on people’s lives and on development is staggering. Millions have died and livelihoods have been devastated, particularly in Sub-Saharan Africa.


The potential impact of AIDS on population and economic growth rates.

AIDS is a human tragedy and a major health problem. The scale of the disease is so large that it now raises questions about the impact of AIDS on the future development path of many of the world’s poorest developing countries.