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Your search found 34 results.

Malawi stories of change in nutrition: Lessons on advocacy

Malawi is one of the most committed countries in Africa to improving nutrition, yet it still has one of the highest rates of malnutrition in the region and is struggling to turn commitments into action at scale.


Advancing research, policy, and capacity for food system transformation: Synthesis of achievements from the feed the future innovation lab for food security policy

Since 2013, the Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Food Security Policy (FSP) has combined multidisciplinary research on emergent issues facing food systems with policy analysis to provide an enabling environment for improved food security.


Strengthening locally led agricultural policy analysis capacity: Lessons from experience

Agricultural policies affect almost everyone in the world, directly or indirectly. Improvements in agricultural policy analysis capacity can therefore significantly benefit society.


What works in the real world? Synthesis brief

After several years of growing political commitment, with more and more pledges and declarations and an increasing focus on data and on evidence, the international nutrition community has come to recognise the power of narrative.


Synopsis, Global nutrition report 2015: Actions and accountability to advance nutrition and sustainable development [in Russian]

Здравый смысл говорит нам о том, что совокупность всех этих изменений на уровне отдельных людей дает положительный результат для целых сообществ и стран.

Global nutrition report 2015: Africa brief

As we move into the post-2015 era of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the world faces many seemingly intractable problems. Malnutrition should not be one of them.


Synopsis, Global nutrition report 2015: Actions and accountability to advance nutrition and sustainable development [in Japanese]

常識的に考えると、これらの個々の人間規模の経験が集 約されれば、地域社会や国にメリットがあることがわかりま す。概して一目瞭然なのは、良好な栄養状態は持続可能な 発展に必要不可欠な原動力となるということです(図1)。 良好な栄養状態の対義語――栄養「不良」状態――は 様々な形で現れます。