Nicholas Minot

Deputy Division Director, Markets, Trade, and Institutions Division

Nicholas W. Minot is the Deputy Division Director in the Markets, Trade, and Institutions Unit. Since joining IFPRI in 1997, he has carried out research on the impact of trade policy on poverty, agricultural market reform in Africa, fertilizer policy, value chains, income diversification, spatial patterns in poverty, high-value agriculture, market information systems, and food price transmission. He is currently working on studies of rice price stabilization in Bangladesh, pastoral resilience in Burkina Faso, food and nutrition security in eastern Indonesia, agricultural transformation in Ethiopia, and methods of prioritizing agricultural investments. He was the co-leader of a research program on Efficient and Inclusive Value Chains within the CGIAR Research Program on  Policies, Institutions, and Markets (PIM)

Before joining IFPRI, Nick taught at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, worked as a policy adviser in Zimbabwe, and served as a survey analyst in Rwanda. He also carried out research on agricultural marketing in Bolivia, Cameroon, and Peru; on small enterprises in Laos; and on household budgets in Paraguay. He received his PhD and MSc in Agricultural Economics from Michigan State University and his BA in International Development from Brown University. View his CV here.

Language Skills: French, Spanish