Hewlett Packard Enterprise Advances the Global Food System Through Memory-Driven Computing With CGIAR (Digital Journal) 

Digital Journal republished a press release from Hewlett Packard announcing a partnership with the CGIAR. Researchers need to generate a timely, high-frequency picture of what is happening in “food basket” locations – or areas of significant food production – around the world. A complete picture often requires data from multiple sources including crop performance, weather records, economic activity, and surveys.  Since the impacts of COVID-19 are unfolding differently by country, our ability to look at the situation both at the aggregate level and from an on-the-ground, local view is incredibly valuable. HPE’s Memory-Driven Computing Sandbox appeared at just the right time. The Platform is co-led by the Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT and IFPRI. (See the Platform for Big Data in Agriculture).