journal article

Poultry husbandry, WASH practices and child anthropometry in rural Burkina Faso

by Aulo Gelli,
Derek D. Headey,
Elodie Becquey,
Rasmane Ganaba,
Lieven Huybregts,
Abdoulaye Pedehombga,
Marco Santacroce and
Hans Verhoef
Open Access | CC BY-4.0
Gelli, Aulo; Headey, Derek D.; Becquey, Elodie; Ganaba, Rasmane; Huybregts, Lieven; Santacroce, Marco et al. 2019. Poultry husbandry, water, sanitation, and hygiene practices and child anthropometry in rural Burkina Faso. Maternal and Child Nutrition 15(4): e12818.