book chapter

Trust in science and in government plays a crucial role in COVID-19 response

by Danielle Resnick
Publisher(s): international food policy research institute (ifpri)
Open Access | CC BY-4.0
Resnick, Danielle. 2022. Trust in science and in government plays a crucial role in COVID-19 response. In COVID-19 and global food security: Two years later, eds. John McDermott and Johan Swinnen. Part Four: Policy Responses and Implications, Chapter 29, Pp. 180-184.

In April 2020, Tanzania’s prime minister made a simple plea: “Tanzanians should maintain trust in the government. You should continue to trust our experts who are behind every decision we make.” A month later, the country’s then president, John Magufuli, fired the head of its national COVID-19 test laboratory and committed to importing an untested herbal tonic from Madagascar that was controversially touted as a cure for the novel coronavirus despite scientists’ worries that it could lead to drug-resistant malaria.