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Your search found 23 results.

2016 Global Hunger Index: Africa edition

The 2016 Global Hunger Index Africa Edition is produced by the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Concern Worldwide, and Welthungerhilfe in conjunction with NEPAD.

book chapter

Global, regional, and national trends

The 2016 Global Hunger Index (GHI) demonstrates substantial progress in terms of hunger reduction for the developing world.


2016 Global hunger index: Getting to zero hunger: Synopsis

The 2016 Global Hunger Index (GHI) report—the eleventh in an annual series—presents a multidimensional measure of national, regional, and global hunger.

book chapter

The concept of the global hunger index

The Global Hunger Index (GHI) is a tool designed to comprehensively measure and track hunger at the global, regional, and country levels.


2016 Global hunger index: Getting to zero hunger

The 2016 Global Hunger Index (GHI) presents a multidimensional measure of national, regional, and global hunger, focusing on how the world can get to Zero Hunger by 2030.


2015 Global hunger index: Armed conflict and the challenge of hunger [in Korean]

2000년부터 개발도상국들의 기아 상황은 진전을 이루고 있습니다. 2015년 개발도상국들의 GHI는 2000년 대비 27퍼센트가 하락한 것으로 나타났습니다. 그럼에도 불구하고 기아는 여전히 전 세계에 심각한 채로 남아있습니다. 올해는 IFPRI가 다면적인 수치를 활용하여 세계 기아를 평가한 지 10년째 되는 해입니다.

2015 Global Hunger Index by Severity

The Global Hunger Index (GHI) is based on four component indicators: >> UNDERNOURISHMENT: the proportion of undernourished people as a percentage of the population (reflecting the share of the population with insufficient caloric intake); &g

book chapter

The concept of the global hunger index

The Global Hunger Index (GHI) is a tool designed to comprehensively measure and track hunger globally, regionally, and by country.

book chapter

Global, regional, and national trends

Despite the lower hunger level reflected by the 2015 global GHI score, the number of hungry people in the world remains unacceptably high.


2011 Global Hunger Index

This year’s Global Hunger Index (GHI) shows that global hunger has declined since 1990, but not dramatically, and remains at a level characterized as “serious.”


Índice Global del Hambre 2011

El Índice Global del Hambre (GHI) de este año muestra que el hambre global ha disminuido desde 1990 —pero no en forma dramática—y permanece en un nivel que se puede considerar como “serio”.


2010 Índice Global del Hambre

La seguridad alimentaria global se encuentra bajo presión.


2010 Global Hunger Index: The challenge of hunger

As the world approaches the 2015 deadline for achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) – which include a goal of reducing the proportion of hungry people by half – the 2010 Global Hunger Index (GHI) offers a useful and multidimensional ov


Índice Global del Hambre de 2009

El Índice Global del Hambre (GHI) muestra que el progreso mundial en la reducción del hambre sigue siendo lento. El GHI global de 2009 ha caído apenas en una cuarta parte con respecto al de 1990.


2009 Global Hunger Index: The challenge of hunger

The Global Hunger Index (GHI) shows that worldwide progress in reducing hunger remains slow. The 2009 global GHI has fallen by only one quarter from the 1990 GHI.