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Your search found 587 results.

A&T Ethiopia Maternal Nutrition Baseline Survey 2019: Health Extension Worker

Alive & Thrive (A&T) is an initiative that supports the scaling up of nutrition interventions to save lives, prevent illnesses, and contribute to healthy growth and development through improved maternal nutrition, breastfeeding and complem


Programme de Filets Sociaux Jigisemejiri: Midline Survey

In 2014 the Government of Mali began implementing its “Filets Sociaux (Jigisémèjiri)” program that aims at reducing poverty and improving human capital accumulation through targeted cash transfers, accompanying measures (or trainings), and prevent


A&T Burkina Faso Maternal Nutrition Baseline Survey 2019: Households - Pregnant Women

Alive & Thrive (A&T) is an initiative that supports the scaling up of nutrition interventions to save lives, prevent illnesses, and contribute to healthy growth and development through improved maternal nutrition, breastfeeding and complem


Programme de Filets Sociaux Jigisemejiri: Baseline Survey

In 2014 the Government of Mali began implementing its “Filets Sociaux (Jigisémèjiri)” program that aims at reducing poverty and improving human capital accumulation through targeted cash transfers, accompanying measures (or trainings), and prevent


COVID-19 Impact on Rural Men and Women in Nepal, Round 3

This dataset is the result of a phone survey set up to measure the impact of COVID-19 on rural people in Nepal.


COVID-19 Impact on Rural Men and Women in Nepal, Round 4

This dataset is the result of a phone survey set up to measure the impact of COVID-19 on rural people in Nepal.


COVID-19 Impact on Rural Men and Women in Nepal, Round 1

This dataset is the result of a phone survey set up to measure the impact of COVID-19 on rural people in Nepal.


COVID-19 Impact on Rural Men and Women in Ghana, Round 5

This dataset is the result of a phone survey set up to measure the impact of COVID-19 on rural people in Ghana.


COVID-19 Impact on Rural Men and Women in Nepal, Round 5

This dataset is the result of a phone survey set up to measure the impact of COVID-19 on rural people in Nepal.


COVID-19 Impact on Rural Men and Women in Kenya, Round 4

This dataset is the result of a phone survey set up to measure the impact of COVID-19 on rural people in Kenya.


COVID-19 Impact on Rural Men and Women in Nepal, Round 2

This dataset is the result of a phone survey set up to measure the impact of COVID-19 on rural people in Nepal.


2019 Social Accounting Matrix for Papua New Guinea

The Nexus Project is a collaboration between IFPRI and its partners, including national statistical agencies and research institutions.


Income and Price Elasticities of Food Demand (E-FooD) Dataset

The E-FooD Dataset provides income and price elasticities of food demand in developing countries. The elasticities are derived from food demand system estimations, using representative household survey data.


COVID-19 Impact on Rural Men and Women in Kenya, Round 2

This dataset is the result of a phone survey set up to measure the impact of COVID-19 on rural people in Kenya.


COVID-19 Impact on Rural Men and Women in Kenya, Round 1

This dataset is the result of a phone survey set up to measure the impact of COVID-19 on rural people in Kenya.


COVID-19 Impact on Rural Men and Women in Kenya, Round 3

This dataset is the result of a phone survey set up to measure the impact of COVID-19 on rural people in Kenya.