
Ethiopia, Policies for Sustainable Land Management in the Ethiopian Highlands Dataset 1998-2000

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The main objective of the project was to assess policy, institutional and technological strategies to promote more productive and sustainable land management in the environmentally degraded highlands of Ethiopia. Primary cross-sectional data was collected at community, household and plot levels in the highlands of Tigray beginning in late 1998, and the highlands of Amhara beginning in late 1999, covering 500 and 434 households, respectively. The household survey includes information on household endowments, land, labor, education, livestock and other assets; access to factors of production and credit, income sources, and livelihood strategies. The plot level survey contains information on plot level factors including plot quality characteristics (soil type, slope, size), land tenure, land investments, land management practices, inputs used (fertilizers, seeds, herbicides, insecticides), yields, and erosion indicators. The community survey covers topics on market access, population, irrigation programs and organizations; local prices of crops, livestock and livestock products; community natural resource management, land use and land tenure.