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Your search found 140 results.

Welthunger-Index 2017: Wie Ungleichheit Hunger schafft

Der Welthunger-Index (WHI) 2017 zeigt langfristige Fortschritte in der Reduzierung des Hungers in der Welt. Diese Fortschritte waren allerdings ungleich verteilt.


Welthunger-Index 2017: Wie Ungleichheit Hunger schafft: Synopse

Der Welthunger-Index (WHI) 2017 ist der zwölfte in einer Reihe jährlicher Berichte, in denen die Hungersituation weltweit, nach Regionen, auf Länder- und auf nationaler Ebene mithilfe eines multidimensionalen Ansatzes dargestellt wird.


2017 global hunger index: The inequalities of hunger

The 2017 Global Hunger Index (GHI) shows long-term progress in reducing hunger in the world.


2017 global hunger index: The inequalities of hunger: Synopsis

The 2017 Global Hunger Index (GHI) report—the twelfth in an annual series—presents a multidimensional measure of hunger at the global, regional, and national levels.

book chapter

The concept of the global hunger index

The Global Hunger Index (GHI) is a tool designed to comprehensively measure and track hunger at the global, regional, and national levels.

book chapter

Policy recommendations

Although enough food is produced globally to feed the world, hunger persists—largely the product of various and severe inequalities.


Índice global del hambre de 2017: El hambre y sus desigualdades: Sinopsis

El informe de 2017 del Índice Global del Hambre (GHI, por su sigla en inglés), en su decimosegunda edición anual, presenta una medición multidimensional del hambre a nivel mundial, regional, y nacional.

book chapter

Global, regional, and national trends

As the issue of famine looms large, it is easy to lose sight of the progress that has been made in the fight against hunger and undernutrition.

journal article

Open Access and Open Data at CGIAR: Challenges and solutions

CGIAR is addressing the urgent need to create a data sharing culture and enabling environment for Open Access and Open Data (OA/OD) that includes projects planning for OA/OD and allocating funds to support it, in parallel with the technical infras

book chapter

Regional developments [In 2017 Global Food Policy Report, in Chinese]

2016年,食物领域出现的重要进展可能对各个国家和地区的食物安全与营养状 况产生深远影响。本报告将研究非洲、中东、北非、中亚、南亚、东亚、拉美和加勒 比海等主要地区在粮食政策方面的进展、城市化趋势,以及这些趋势对食物安全 与营养状况的影响。以下章节将探究不同地区的情况,包括:
■■ 非洲地区合作与投资增长,如何在气候变化和商品价格走低的情况下加强食 物安全
■■ 中东北非地区持续的冲突、某些国家的政策改革需求以及较低的油价

supplementary material

2017 Global food policy report: Regional developments: Central Asia [in Russian]

Тем не менее, учитывая существующие институциональные и структурные ограничения и их влияние на производительность труда и инвестиции, страны Центральной Азии останутся уязвимыми перед лицом внешних потрясений25.


2017 Global food policy report: Synopsis [in Russian]

2016 год ознаменовался важными признаками прогресса на пути к достижению продовольственной безопасности и улучшению питания, а также подтверждением приверженности принципам устойчивого развития.