Program on Agriculture for Nutrition and Health Launches Website

September 27, 2012
Open Access | CC-BY-4.0

The CGIAR Research Program on Agriculture for Nutrition and Health (A4NH), which is one of two such programs led by IFPRI, launched its website this week. The site features information on A4NH projects, including the related impact pathways, partnerships, and outcomes. It also provides summaries of past events and a calendar of upcoming events.

“We hope this site will be instrumental in sharing information about agriculture for nutrition and health research,” said John McDermott, who leads the program.

A4NH is built on the notion that agriculture can do more for improving nutrition and health. In the past, agriculture has played a key role in providing poor people with a steady supply of staple crops that meet calorie requirements at relatively low prices. Income from agriculture has also been important for improving these households’ nutrition and health, particularly when women earn income or have access to highly nutritious foods.

The Program’s four themes— Value Chains for Enhanced Nutrition; Biofortification; Agriculture-Associated Diseases; and Integrated Programs and Policies—are described on the website. A coded map locates the projects under these four areas.