Katharina Diehl

Scaling Specialist

Katharina Diehl is a Scaling Specialist in the HarvestPlus section of the Innovation Policy and Scaling Unit, based in Nairobi. She has been working on sustainability-oriented innovations in agriculture for more than 10 years, she has a high systemic understanding of innovation processes that depend on ecological and political framing conditions, as well as the integration of actors along value chains. In her current position with HarvestPlus, her focus is on scaling up biofortification in staple crops and food products.

Kathatina’s work is tightly linked to sustainability research and innovation system analysis, reflecting methods of impact assessment, fore- and back-casting, design thinking, and theory of change. For innovation management, this involves the development of implementation concepts that ensure close interaction between actors from administration, farming, food processing, and consumption. Technological, organizational and governance aspects are thereby analyzed in terms of viability and efficiency as well as resilience. She has earned degrees in both landscape ecology (Dipl.La-oek.) and agricultural sciences (Dr.rer.agr.).

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